Kristen Amond wins LSBA election

February 10, 2021

Kristen Amond has been re-elected to a two-year term on the Louisiana State Bar Association’s Young Lawyers Division Council, where she will continue to represent the LSBA’s First District, including New Orleans. Council representatives are elected by a majority vote of members in their respective districts. The First District's election included an unprecedented ten candidates.

The Young Lawyers Division is an active arm of the LSBA that fosters discussion and interchange of ideas relating to the younger members of the Louisiana state bar; aids in their advancement; and encourages their interest and participation in the activities of the LSBA. It is responsible for much of the LSBA's public-service programming and hosts the annual Louisiana Young Lawyers Conference.

Among other things, Kristen's responsibilities on behalf of the Young Lawyers Division include providing support to the LSBA's local affiliate organizations and organizing the Barristers for Boards program, which pairs young lawyers and local non-profits to involve young lawyers in their communities.